
My photo
ATL, Georgia, United States
Jack of all trade Master of some!!! I love, Love, LOVE, everything art, and anything from the heart. My love comes from a relationship of being able to view beauty even in tragedy. I most desire to help, encourage and enjoy those that are going through, been through, and conquered issues in life. I don't believe that a degree equals expreience so I hope that those experts of life will free to share their experiences in different arenas so that another person won't have to endure the struggle. So read, blog, laugh, cry but embrace life through whatever instrument you choose.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Be a Consistent Blogger

Consistency is the name of the game.  Once you have found your target market using the perfect niche, you must be consistent.  As routine as the daily paper, or checking your facebook page you have to be consistent.  Consistency does not mean boring but it does mean that you are focusing on content, finding new ways to present it and capturing your readers attention.  Giving great information to the point they have to come back to get your expertise on the topic.

My major problem is this very thing.  The fact that I am so random sometimes kills traffic to my blog.  Consistency in ONE area is important.  I love everything and through my experiences in life I have great insight on several areas.  That isn't a problem if you are blogging for the sake of blogging.  However if you are blogging to make residual income that is not going to suffice. 
                                                                   picture from

What you need to do, find a topic that you can talk about in your sleep.  You know all about it.  In and out up and down.  A topic that would have your audience wondering if you were the actual inventor of the niche.  Grab it and run with it.  DO NOT mimic what is obviously already being done in that niche.  Take a minute and put your own spin on it.  Just because there are billions of blogs on fashion bring your own eye, opinion and review of the thing.  Remember you have your own audience and it's not the same as the next blogger.

Find your rhythm.  That simply means find the day or time that blogging can be done.  When are you at your most creative.  If writing in the morning is when all your creative juices flow then do it then.  In the beginning you may want it to be daily or even twice a day.  As you begin to get a following you may want to do it 2 times a week, or weekly.  Trust me there will always be something to talk about if it's your passion.  No matter what angle blog about it.  I know this seems elementary but the truth is some of us write fervently for the first month, then give up a 3 months in because we don't have a following.  Don't expect to get a following even with an awesome routine at least for 1 year and I would say anything shorter you have an actual celebrity guru in with you. 

All in all be consistent.  The more you write the more often your name will hit the wonderful world of Google.  I


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Make Your Blog Stand out

I am still fairly new to blogging.  Despite the fact that I have been on blog spot since 2011.  I have just found a consistency or should I say a discipline in blogging.  For the thousands of us left that actually enjoy writing or helping others in any given niche I want to send a word of encouragement.

Keep Moving Forward!  You, like myself may have an audience of two, you may not think that your content is interesting or good.  Let's face it in 2013 in this world of microwave celebrities and reality stars turned celebrities, it can be hard and discouraging to write to an audience that is constantly sensationalized by Reality Shows, but Keep Moving Forward!  Blog for the love and passion of your niche.  Let your individuality and expertise stand out.  Blog because you have a witty or unconventional topic.  Blog because you LOVE to write and you still view writing as an art blog.  Blog, Blog, Blog, for goodness sake!

I know everyone is trying to find out how to get traffic, make money and keep there followers coming back for more, I say that it's HOGWASH.  I know that guru's will beat their brow at me for not being more practical and realistic.  But in this world of social media everybody is looking for a come up and everybody is looking for a get rich quick 15 minutes of fame road.  I think that is awesome; however, focusing entirely on the dollars creates a JOB! Yes you get paid to work but you find yourself enjoying it just as much as the 9-5 you are trying to replace.  It creates a frustration of trying to be so unique that you stop being YOU-NIQUE, stand out.

 Keep Moving Forward! Whether 1 or 1 million read, comment or respond blog from your soul.  Post from the random thoughts, and quirky ideas. There is an audience for you.  There is a platform and revenue that advertisers will flock to have on your site.  So be authentic and amazing Keep Moving Forward!  Inspire those who will soon view YOU as the next guru in your niche.  Be you but most of all Keep Moving Forward!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Review: Jamaican Mango & Lime

Rasta Locks Twist Jamaican Mango & lime Protein Conditioner, Whew! That's a mouth full.
I ran into this product during one of my many "window shopping product searches".  Of course it was tucked away in the row or plethora of natural hair products.  Honestly, I never even heard of this line so I was extremely pleased and mesmerized to stumble upon this rare gem.

First what I loved about this product, I loved the color of the bottle.  I know that seems so elementary but this was the main reason that I even noticed it in the sea of so called natural hair product.  The bottle was vibrant, the bottle was fun, for goodness sake the bottle was yellow! Jamaican Mango & lime is packaged with easy to read ingredients and easy to read was enough for me to pick it up and finally purchase it with its easy on the pocket cost, ranging from $4.89 to $5.99. I must say it was a steal.

So it's true, I purchased this only because of the package and not to mention the intense and I do mean INTENSE fragrance!  I had to take a whiff of this stuff on my way to purchase it! The smell was heavenly.  It has a tropical or Island scent of lemon, lime and mango fused together.  I absolutely love scents.  It doesn't matter what scent it is as long as it smells good and this fragrance is heavenly.

The consistency is perfect.  Not to thick not to thin just right.  Now for the technical parts.  I often co-wash my hair.  This means I often forgo the shampoo stage and use conditioner instead of shampoo.  My hair is currently not Locked!  This product is for those whose hair is in a natural loc or often twist state.  That does not mean that it cannot be used on loose naturals it just means that my hair isn't loc'd and I may not have been able to receive the fulleness of what the product was meant to do.

It states that it
  • strengthens locks
  • prevents breakage
  • moisturizes
  • natural conditioner
My favorite of the 4 proclaimed actions that I expected and what it actually did for my naturally loose tresses was prevent breakage.  I found less strands after as little as 3 co-washes and I also perceived that my strands were strengthened.  I give this product a score of a 79%. 

Here's why:
  • The smell was phenomenal.  If you are someone who does not like strong scents I would suggest steering clear from this product line.  Their products pack a punch and I love it.  It's an awesome change to the normal vanilla, cocoa butter scents that many product have. 20%
  • The packaging caught my I.  Many times I find the packaging to be a mimic of another line that could be easily confused (pink lotion and pin motions are the same except the wording is in a different color) Their package is vibrant beautiful easy to distinguish and most importantly easy to read.)  20%
  • Directions and ingredients.  Not all the ingredients are organic but I that is not an issue for me considering that more than half of the ingredients are.  They are also extremely easy to read and follow directions in both English and French so for me that's another 15%
  • Here's where the points are deducted.  The actual efficiency of what the product proclaims to do.  It is supposed to do4 things two of which would be to be a natural conditioner and moisturize your hair.  it definitely fell short in these areas for me however I take in account that I am a loose natural given my final score in this area 10%
  • I know that this score is mediocre but let's keep in mind that we need our products to actually do all or close to all of the main areas that we want out of them so for the idea of being a Protein conditioner I give  it a 14%
My final opinion on Rasta Locks Twist Jamaican Mango & lime Protein Conditioner, I would buy this again.  It does clean your hair and give a refreshing cleansed smell.  I liked the consistency however desired a little more thickness because I am a loose natural.  The slick or ease during detangling was average.  But the scent and ability to strengthen my strands was what won me over.
What are some of your thoughts on this product?  What id you like or dislike and what did I forget to mention.

Monday, November 4, 2013

My stress reliever

I seriously like to do 2 things when I'm in a major funk.  They are a bit weird and a little unconventional but I'll share it with you anyway.  LAUNDRY and BAKING!!!  Okay, I said it. 
Just imagine your frustrated, your upset, your sad or just in a funk!  These two things somehow sore me into a place of refreshing, sweet clean thoughts.

Let me elaborate.  Many times in life we all just want to begin over again. Get a second chance, a revise.  When I sit and I'm bogged down by life's issues I begin by first deciding which of the two LOVES I need to do and which I can actually afford time to do.

Baking that's self explanatory.  It has all life's ingredients mashed together and melts together wonderfully.  It blends and dances into a beautiful aroma that just causes life to exude happiness from all worries.  Your a kid again indulgent into the sweet affair of savory bites.  But between the two this is usually the relief of stress that I use when the family is in a funk.  I mean after all a spoon full of sugar will let the "misery" of life go down.

Laundry is usually my go to stress relief.  Sorting out the colors or problems of the week.  Colorizing them so they won't bleed over into the other garments or issues of life.  Choosing the level of heat that needs to tackle the stain.  Does it need a gentle tone of cold water or a hard scornful you won't defeat me level of wash.  Putting them into there perspective wash cycles with my choice of detergent to wash away all that has tried to cause me to either throw a garment away or second guess if it is still my favorite piece is AAAWWWWEEESOMMME!  That final wash gives you a chance to once over decide if a more permanent decision is needed....BLEACH!  This is some heavy enforcement it's permanent, it's aggressive but tough situations call for it. 

The awe of just sitting and watching the colors emerge through the class, watching the suds fill the basin, just watching the concern of "will these things get washed clean" erases with each rinse.  RINSE. Finally it's ready to be dried out and finalizing any area that need be complete.

What are some unconventional ways you relieve stress in your lives.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What's Your "Niche Market"

I have got to be honest.  In the beginning I did not understand the whole idea behind blogging.  What I did know are two things, one that you have to at least enjoy writing and two know something about blogging. What I didn't know was there is actually a formula to how successful you can be at the two.  This formula presented itself kind of like a secret.  The thing that everyone kept talking about but never fully explained it thoroughly enough to make the little men in my head put it together.  What was the secret? "a niche market".

Did I even need one? couldn't I just write a series of journal entries on my day to day life, post them and call it a day?  The answer, yes, you could.  You could write random blogs of your thought and daily routine.  You can post to the masses how hideous your hair was, how your dog Bubbles, ruined and embarrassed you on your date and how the color you picked for your room makes you feel all bubbly inside.  You can do this and it would be the cheapest venting therapy you ever had because quite frankly unless you're an A-list actress I doubt anyone would care.  Trust me I did this and from experience it did not yield the results in terms of traffic that I was looking for.  In fact many of us did this and it was fulfilling.  The excitement of just putting it ALL out there is
exhilarating and empowering and as exciting as it was it goes away.

Time went on.  Before long I began to desire responses to my day.  Insight to my writings and quite honestly some Mullah for my efforts.  Between the two bloggers I found myself becoming the latter so a "Niche market" quickly became a focus of interest.  As fulfilling as my first blog is which today I use to inspire, encourage and motivate new desires began to arise.  So what exactly should my focus be? is what I had to ask myself.  Well after scrolling and listening to all the guru's and fancy pants explain in the most technological way I have reduced it to my understanding to mean:  a focus, an interest or topic that is studied and then shared based on your knowledge, skill, interest or experience in the area.  A good old fashion hobby of interest.  For example a niche focuses on the components back to the very inception.  The "niche" is what guru bloggers use to keep there audiences attention.

My niche is quite simple...I Love trying new things!  Now as you might have thought there are millions of new things out there!  But I decided that, that is MY NICHE Market.  I may focus heavily on one area versus another but new stuff is my love.  Life everyday gives a brand new 24 hrs so my niche market deserves to be refreshed just as much.  So when you want to know how a new product REALLY works ask me, heard about a new restaurant tucked away I'm your girl.  Have a new product that YOU yourself have created and want an honest review I'm your guinea pig.  So sign up check in and let me know what new ideas you have welcomed into your life.
So come explore life with me on Welcoming Ideas To Life!

Rise and Shine

I am so proud of myself this morning.  It's 8:30am and I am already up on cup of tea number two and ready to take on the day.  Let me bring you guy's up to speed for clarity...I AM NOT a morning person.  I have always been the "burn the midnight oil" kinda gal.  I would stay up until the morning and then sleep the entire morning off and just to be fair, I'd sleep a bit of the afternoon away as well.

It was only recently that I even grasped the concept or the importance of rising early.  This came one day when I had an appointment in the morning and when I say morning I mean 7am early bird special kind of morning.  This was the type of morning where calculating a 40 minute ride and looking half way human is needed.  This meant waking up, or in my case snoozing until 6am.  Don't judge me.  I had only been sleep for 4 hrs. prior to this moment.  It was then that I found that the morning had a personality of It's own.

The entire time I prepared for the meeting my thought's raced in my head.  I struggled with trying to figure out why on earth people WILLINGLY "rise and shine"!  I personally enjoy the short term affair that I have each evening or in my case morning, with my bed as I toss and turn and allow the comforter to embrace and warm me through the night.  The sheer thought of having to be jolted up into the mornings rigid merciless air to "take on the day" puzzled me and left me feeling that, THAT, was for the birds.  Yet, here I was being forced to endure what others seem to take pleasure in...embracing the day.

To my surprise after reluctantly showering, prepping and dressing I figured I may as well adjust my attitude to fit the day.  I mean really adjust my attitude because there is nothing worst than an early bird on a night owls watch wanting nothing more than to go to bed early!  I put on a happy face and trudged my way out the door.  I would be lying if I said the crisp morning air was riveting, but I would also be lying to say it wasn't.

 picture compliment of

I passed morning joggers, school children, messengers.  I watched neighbor's engage in morning conversation, regulars at the gas station engage in friendly banter.  I mean I was thinking WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE THE REST OF THE DAY!!! This is where they are enjoying the fresh start of their day.

The morning is like the earth's beginning of a natural wash cycle.  It has the smell of fabric softener and the beauty of newly pressed garments.  The beauty of the sun rise showing off the pureness of the day.  It doesn't force you, or provoke you it gently brushes you and places a friendly rayed invitation to enter it.  It can be entered begrudgingly or welcomed with open arms.  But make no mistake about it, it will come and what you decide to do with the first part of this day determines the outcome of the remaining portion.

Have a beautiful morning and a productive day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Blog On Life

I was very surprised to find that so many people displaying such awesome talents.  I'm sure you have ran into one of them, after all there are a million blogs out there?  There are even several that hold a very similar name to mine "Joyfullexpressions"!  Crocheting colored scarves and hat's,  providing up to date top of the minute fashion trends and my favorite the baker's blog, with all their intricate details that they single handily carve into these elaborate masterpieces.  These blogger's have settled into their niche and they OWN them.

That brings me to my blog.  I absolutely LOVE LIFE! I LOVE LIFE! I know that I said that already but I really love it and I love to write about it.  This is to apologize for my lack of a niche My blog won't be consistent.  It won't settle into "A" niche.  It will be the best blog about life.  I will blog about my ups, my achievements, my promotions and my fantasies.  I'll blog about my loves, my passions and how I have been crushed and abandoned and hurt and miserable all in the same breath.

My BLOG will be about LIFE and how I plan to embrace it, how I feel, what I hate and how stupid of a boss I have. Life will be my niche.  I mean everyone else has already settled into a piece of it and since I still haven't seen all that life has to offer I'll have to invite you along on this journey.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Saving, when your already on a Budget!

In today's economy everyone is trying to pinch a penny.  In groceries, in gas, even in the utilities that we use in our home.  I'm sure that you have heard every possible way to save.  From energy efficient appliances, car pooling and even the good old fashioned put the rock in the toilet to reduce water usage. We have heard it all!  I'm sure you don't mind finding yet another way to save more than a penny but rather a dime.  Here are a few innovative ideas to not only help you save but to also help you be a little greener in some areas.
  • Jars, cans. You know how you have been itching to buy an organizer for the bag of cotton balls, q-tips and do dad's that you have all over your bathroom? Well that won't be necessary. Simply save the old spaghetti jar's and use them for that purpose. To make it tad bit fancier purchase a dollar can of spray and add your own since of color to the lids and there you have it. you have given the jar's a second life, fixed your clutter problem and saved mother earth all in one thought.
  • Unconventional Furniture covers.  Those drapes that you purchased before sizing.  The sheet's that you lost the receipt to both can be used to reupholster that hideous couch that you can't stand to look at.  Simply use the pattern, which you obviously love and drape it over the cushions.  To hold them in place tuck some velcro in place or seal with safety pins or old broom stick that fits snugly under the cushions.  It will add some much needed character to the room.
  • Do you really need cable. Guy's if you work 45 hours a week, and the kid's are at camp, school, and when you get home your preparing for the next day do you really need cable? Your on the Internet, your playing your Wii, PS3 or Xbox (purchased from the pawn shop) do you really need cable. When you surf the channels and it takes you 15 minutes to find a movie or something you actually want to watch do you really need cable. This is not a necessity. Save.
  • Trade out your curtains.  Simply switch one from the bedroom to the living room and see the difference in the atmosphere and how just a slight change of color or texture adds life.  You can also use those curtains to spice up the bathroom.  For this thrifty fix be sure to apply a shower liner so that they are still in tip top condition when your ready to send them back to the room.

  • Eat your center pieces.  When you go to the grocery store the same lemon's or oranges that you make that delicious summer drink with will add loads of color to your dining room, living room or even kitchen area. But don't stop with just oranges and lemons, add apples and melon's go wild with your choices. Simply place them in a glass bowl or vase and watch an instant splash of summer color enter into the room, all while adding a healthier snack choice for the family.

  • No bleach, thank you. While your at it, take a break from the harsh chemicals that many detergents and household cleaning products possess.  Simply grab an orange or lemon from your center piece and use it as a cleaner.  Squeeze 1 whole lemon or orange, 2 cups of warm water and 3 tbs. of baking soda into a spray bottle. This solution can be safely used in your bathtubs, sinks, stainless steel kitchen, appliances and more. Be sure to shake vigorously to mix and you not only have a chemical free cleanser but you also just deodorized, cleaned and decorated all for the price of a sac of lemons or oranges.

  • Skip the dryer.  Why purchase fabric softener with the scent of outdoors when you can actually hang your clothes outdoors. Even living in an apartment can allow this to be done.  Now for this you may have to purchase a dollar line of rope to hang your garments.  If you choose not to, use chairs that you already own to drape several pieces of your wardrobe to air dry and reduce your utility bill.  Now you have fresh outdoor scent with minimum utility used.

  • Facial cleansers/Moisturizers.  Using baking soda, measure a dime size into your palms and apply to a wet damp face.  Now slowly using circular motions massage into your skin.  Do not scrub because it may burn your skin and cause irritation.  This will clear up black heads, white heads, and your overall complexion.  After this step use an avocado or honey mask for 15 minutes to add moisture.  Be sure to use a ripe avocado for easy application and either item can be used generously. These items will counteract the dry affect that baking soda can have on your face.  This is an application that I would use once a month and alternate months if your prone to breakouts.
  • Bag's are my favorite.  Reusing them to grocery shop is not the only way to save. Grocery bag's or your local retail bag can be used as trash bag's, shower cap's, hot oil treatment caps, food covering's, shoe protector's in the rain (be sure to double up on this one), paint covers, and small paint project tarps.  My son who is prone to nose bleeds often ends his night with a morning stain.  To reduce this I put a thicker bag over his pillow and then simply apply his pillow case and save the pillow.  Using plastic bags for food preparation such as flouring of chicken or marinades also reduces clean up time.

  • Old worn out clothes.  Old tattered t-shirt can be re purposed into a rag for cleaning purposes.  Simply tear a shirt into 4 equal parts and use it for just about any clean up needed. Also if you have children, save those old ratty flat sheets for art project, nail polish session etc.  This will save the furniture and carpet as well from those accidental spills.  Be careful with shirts with heavy dye.  These shirts will leave streaks when used on white walls. 

  • Toothbrushes.  Yes, a toothbrush can be used to save those old worn out shoes that need just a little elbow grease.  Using a detergent of choice and a little water can revive those favorite gym sneakers in no time.  So for the price of a toothbrush you can save a very pricey pair of sneaks.

  • Stocking and Tights, Oh, My! You may never have thought of the elasticity that many pantyhose have and they are ridiculously inexpensive.  Often they are the same price as head bands and scrunchies.  By simply snipping the waist area of a pair of stockings you can create a cool and inexpensive alternative to your headband dilemma.  If you venture a little further, a pair of tights (the opaque kind) can securely handle your tasseled strands.  By simply cutting the foot out and then cutting a piece of the tight to about a half of an inch you can get a quite a bit of scrunchies.  Solving the need for hair ties everywhere.
  • Bar-B-Que.  Yes, this is the best time to get on that grill and cook.  You save gas, and electric in one blow and it always feels like a party when a grill is in action.  Now we can't stop at bar-b-quing, we have to extend to a neighbor.  Encourage your neighbor to grill with you and not only will you reduce the utilities in your home you will also reduce the cost of food by sharing and bringing a meal together.  Can anyone say Par-Tay!

  • Give your dog a treat.  If you have to have a dog at all, go small.  This will save on nearly everything you have to purchase for your pooch.  Believe it or not your animal can eat properly prepared food.  Often this includes unprocessed chicken, eggs, brown rice, peas, lean cuts of beef, carrots, and noodles.  Not only will you pinch in the area of Canine cuisine but your dog will love you for it.  But don't go crazy with it, little to NO seasoning is the best for their tummy's and coats.  During the summer month's a piece of ice as a treat will relieve them just as it relieves us. 
  • Name Brand Toilet Paper. REALLY?  Let's make this short and sweet.  You spend 2 minutes in the bathroom going and cleaning after.  Do not spend your money on these name brand entities only to throw them down the toilet.  I don't care how soft it is, your flushing money away.  Enough said.

  • Gadget Smadget.  I love the newest gadget as much as the next person, but I also know the minute I purchase the newest, greatest, bestest gadget the next model will be out in stores in no time.  To stop this, must have gotta have, I have made the local pawn shop my go to spot on technology.  I had the pleasure of purchasing a 42 inch screen t.v. for $265, and a 2010 Gateway laptop with web cam and all the newest software for the measly price of $350 in my favorite color I might add. Don't try to keep up with the Jetson's get what you need, not what gives the most speed.  If your profession does not warrant it don't get it.

  •  Buy it, ALL.  Okay, don't be to snooty to purchase those lamb chops that have the sale sticker in red.  It doesn't mean that they are spoiled it simply means that the FDA regulated date that the store can keep it is fast approaching.  Instead of losing their entire profit they would rather lose a couple of cents.  This is where we can rack up so buy it and buy them all.  Store these pieces in your freezer for later in the month.  While your at it buy those veggies on sale and bread to and fruits.   Go ahead ask the produce associate for the bruised fruits they work great for frozen smoothies and pies.  Nearly all food including bread and milk can be stored via freezer losing no nutritional value so store it and grab them while they are on sale.

  • The baby.  That bundle of joy seems to need everything from a teething ring to a college fund.  Don't fall for it.  With or without the walker, the bouncy, the jogging stroller or the heating pad that warms up the wipes, they are going to grow at their on pace.  An old fashion pair of white walking shoes is all that is needed to get little "snooker" to the next level.  Even the 1st birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese is an unnecessary amount of money down the drain.  Evaluate if these things are for you or the child and then way your purchases.  Even more importantly if you know that you are not going to have another child in the near 2 to three year future don't allow yourself to turn your home into BABY'S R US.  Trust me they won't remember any of it and it truly is a waste.
There truly is a million way's to save.  You just have to be creative as well as sick of flushing your money down the toilet.  Share some ideas with us no matter how quirky they are and let's start saving some real dollars.

    Hair, Already Here!!

    Let's move from the theatrics of saying all the wonderful benefits that natural hair can offer and get straight to the root of the situation!  Nurtured, loved and grown, where do we grow from here! I couldn't resist the pun in that one.  I have been natural for 2 years and 10 mths. and I am quite fascinated with the phases that my hair has journeyed  through.  I am loving the fact that I can pull it into a flawless puff, or allow the curls to cascade down my shoulders.  However, I  am wondering what phase comes next or at all?  Is all the hair that to be adorned on my crown already HERE!!

    Will my hair continue this exciting journey or have I been plagued to be one of the many that have reached  my terminal length.  I am actually still reluctant to believe there is one but I digress.  Let's face it one of the many benefits of being natural is the remarkable state that our tresses can grow.  The healthy state that we can cultivate them  to  maintain. 

    Fully understanding terminal length has me questioning if our counterpart of naturally locked brothers and sister excluded from this so called terminal length merely because there shed hair just continues on in their lock OR could it be that our hair if uninterrupted just really keeps growing and growing and growing.  After all when put into protective styles in effort to be away from the elements our hair flourishes and grows.

    So my question to myself am I okay with the  here that is currently fixated on my head  or do I yearn for more?  Is my hair at the terminal length that even if I continue protective styling or nurturing it would get no longer???  We have all learned and have some level of understanding of the phases of growth that goes in and out of dormancy BUT does our hair really have a final destination! What's your take on it?