
My photo
ATL, Georgia, United States
Jack of all trade Master of some!!! I love, Love, LOVE, everything art, and anything from the heart. My love comes from a relationship of being able to view beauty even in tragedy. I most desire to help, encourage and enjoy those that are going through, been through, and conquered issues in life. I don't believe that a degree equals expreience so I hope that those experts of life will free to share their experiences in different arenas so that another person won't have to endure the struggle. So read, blog, laugh, cry but embrace life through whatever instrument you choose.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Will My New Career Recieve My Natural Strands?

I know that this is a corporate world or society, but are all areas of that society still unreceptive, incompassionate (not really a word but you understand) or plain old ignorant toward our natural stresses.  This is more my point of view than it is a column to inspire or encourage anyone.  Okay, here's the background.  I am searching for a new career; however, I am beginning to feel as if my career search is being hindered by the state of my hair. 

Obviously my skills surfaced above the ca trillion people out there seeking and searching to land the same position that I have applied for yet the return call or initial interview goes to ME!  That alone is something to be excited about and you to will understand if like me you are seeking a new career.  Sadly, somewhere between the call, the interview, and the thank you notes graciously written to exemplify the interviewers words or basically let them know I am still interested...NOTHING!

 I know you think maybe I suck at the interview...Negative I have had mock interviews to drill every question known to man even the unethical ones through colleagues, College professors, friend's, foe's, kid's all putting me in the position of "I'd hire you"  Yes, you probably are saying these people are biased and couldn't drill you as hard as a potential Employer...Negative, I say again.  Many of those mock interviews were done with people who's very career's revolve around this industry and career building, to the point they take pride at having people cry preferably during the process, Shaking my head because I've seen it happen.

I have worn my hair in a bun, the slickest of puffs that at a glance could go for a pony tail.  I have worn my hair super curly and always professional and managed.  Now if you are reading this article and are saying to yourself, (as I initially was) maybe the job just isn't for you, I agree just because I was called and  gave a killer interview doesn't mean that "Uncle Mike" as my competition addressed the interviewer at my last interview, still has to go through the protocol of "offering" the position to other candidates.  Or, maybe your hair wasn't as neat as you thought it was.  I thought this one as well, but had to give myself a raised eyebrow sorta the way they do when they ask me into the interview room. 

If I have to question if my hair is professional enough or accepted for the place that I am interviewing for...then this is not where I NEED or WANT to work.  If my hair in it's tamest form is TOO MUCH for the company applied for, then this isn't where I need to be.  NO, I won't act as such an activist that I refuse career options where the interviewer is so intrigued by my strands that I notice them unconsciously talking to it...okay maybe not so much.  Or that periodically I burst into a "what you lookin' at" or "is there a problem" rant.

I am trying to be reassured after hearing my Arabian Physical Therapist have the need to tell me that he himself preferred African American women that wore their own hair opposed to "the animals they put on there head".  (That is an entirely different hilarious conversation, but reassuring)
 I will simply keep searching and seeking the market that is ready to embrace all of me and remind myself that natural OR relaxed nobody wants an unprofessional staff member representing their company.  So if Jews thick curls, Caucasians flowing locks, and  Asians seamless tresses are accepted in any form then the soft to touch African Americans exotic fullness that my hair possess will wait.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Joy Busters: Anger (An Insensitive Reaction)

This message forward and shared via e-mail and is not my piece. However I found it awesome enough to share.  All credits to the following.

Dr. David Jeremiah
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
Recommended Reading
Ephesians 4:25-32
If you've driven a car or been a passenger in one recently, you don't have to be told that anger is an issue in our society. Nearly half of car accidents are speculated to be caused by road rage. It seems that conflicts on the road bring deeper issues to the surface. And, unfortunately, tempers are often the vice of the virtuous. But the Bible clearly tells us that love is not provoked (1 Corinthians 13). Yes, it's possible to be a Christian and struggle with anger. But we should bear in mind the words of theologian Jonathan Edwards, "The grace of God can live with some people with whom no one else could ever live."

So how do we encourage love in a society that tends toward anger? The next time we're faced with an angry person or a situation that would normally warrant an angry response, we can choose to respond in love--allowing that soft answer to turn away anger. But in order to be capable of a gentle, loving response, we need to be constantly connected to the source of love--Jesus Christ!
Anger devours almost all other good emotions. It deadens the soul.
John Piper
 This message forward and shared via e-mail and is not my piece.  However I found it awesome enough to share

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Embrace The Stage your in...Even The TWA

Embrace The stage your in...Even if it’s the TWA

So you big chopped now what? You have mastered the all too familiar wash and go and now your bored. You can barely wait to adorn those strands with two strand twist or seductive twist outs and coils that have major hang time. But I warn you not to rush. After all longer hair natural’s envy you in this million degree weather. Embrace the stage that your in and learn from it.

I recently just graduated from what seemed to be an endless time of co wash, apply product and then off to enjoy the cares of life. It couldn't get any better. I was amused by the ease and the liberty that accompanied this new low maintenance style. Yet, 3 months of that and the amusement of how simple it was, was gone! I searched and researched the Internet endlessly trying to find new cute ideas and accessories all while trying to figure out when my first “real” puff would arrive. I knew that only patience would bring what I longed for so I waited, and waited, and waited.

4 months out of my 7 month transition my “growth” came. “ Oh, wow, your hair looks really good and it is growing beautifully!” There, I had the growth that I needed. Let me be clear my hair hadn't gotten any longer than the 3 inches of curls that I had, but the growth came in my maturity. No it wasn't that I lacked confidence because my mind was made up to endure the process once I chopped. The growth came when I learned how to embrace the stage I was in. 

Each stage of my journey from the initial thought has been amazing. My transition allowed me to see that straight hair was not the only way to keep my hair manageable, my big chop allowed me to see that long hair was not the Utopia of beauty, and as my coils and kink’s grow I am learning new hairstyles and how to build health through each stage. Now, I view the stage that I am in as a blessing. I envy the Big chopped girls because after all we are in the dead of summer and let’s face it they have the perfect swimming, and get up and go be fierce hair, and yet I envy the longer haired girls because they have the perfect updo sassy hair. Yet I embrace the stage I am in after all both girls wanna be where us TA’s are LOL. We have the ease of manipulating longer styles to fit our length yet it’s short enough not to work to hard to rock it and becoming overheated. So, as we embrace our stages let’s treat it as we do life. Learn from it, Laugh at it and embrace the stage that we are in.

Although, infancy is the place we all long for in hindsight it’s maturity once reached that we wish we had when we look back.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fear Abort's Dream's...

I won't edit this.  I want my faults to be exposed.  So for my literary critic's who dare to gaze through the text, be advised that this was from my heart, read with caution (smile).

 An unexpected emotion of encouragement seeped out into the text of this page.   I didn't plan for this to come out but nonetheless it came and now it stand as an encouragement.  Understand that while you wait and prolong your destiny to create GREATNESS that the infancy of your dream may immaturely be aborted.  Oh yeah, that taboo word that we use when we don't want something, can't handle something or just don't have the gut's to continue on with that part of something. Aborted because you rationed that it wasn't  good enough, cool enough, or profitable enough to be birthed.  Then from nowhere a twin to your dream was born.  A twin that looked like the shop, the website, the profession or maybe the adventure that you dreamed.  The one that you couldn't let go and yet was to scared to allow to come to fruition because, your knowledge was low and your money was less and you couldn't get the confident support from the inner voice within and so your dream that you dreamed went dormant and then...aborted.  Away it sifted into the cemetery of dreams where thoughts burst, goals are shattered and normalcy is applauded.  There is a vision that is needed and only you can birth that thing.  So birth it because it doesn't matter how many Restaurants appear or Corporations evolve they all will never amount to the dream the vision or the idea that only you can birth.  After all they all seem to be missing the same chemistry.  They lack your passion, your creativity, your professionalism all wrapped into YOUR compassion.  So again forgive me for the mediocrity of text.  I just wanted to encourage you that you CAN do it...BETTER.  So your computer is light years in the dark ages and you can barely type, go to the library or peck away, but make a step.  So you think that someone else will think it's stupid or useless, and they couldn't be more correct! "WHY" because their not your audience they're not your market, they're not the person that would die if you...ABORT.  I would hate for your life to go by without at least an attempted dream tried.  So go get that free EIN#, tell the world and don't back down.  Dare to dream bigger, higher, faster, stupider, but dream.  Let your childhood ideas begin to overflow out of your mind.  Allow them to seep out of your heart and into the lives of people who have been waiting for the passion and key's to life that you have so long been afraid to let go of because of failure.  If you fail, so what.  Join the many success story's that have conquered defeat and lived to share their success.  So I dare you, To go ahead and birth your dream.  And don't be surprised if you are harboring multiple birth's...But whatever you do don't abort!!!!

5 Quick Hairstyles for natural hair! SUBSCRIBE ;}

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to Reduce Frizz on Curly Hair

If your like me you have had your share of products claiming to be the end to all frizz.  From the most recent brand to such extremes as natural and herbal curl enhancers, they all claim to be the best for us curly heads. Alas, I have finally found something that will not only tame the frizz and the fuzz but allow an extra few minutes of shut eye in the morning.  "What?", you ask.  Simplicity.  Forget about the newest latest formula, or the infused product that houses all the nutrients that your hair can stand.  Its that simple, SIMPLICITY.  This has become my staple, go to for reducing the fuss from my hair, and yes, I mean FUSS.  Here are the steps that have reduced the midday embaracement, the summer humidity tackle and has given me the freedom to go hatless. Yes! I'm gonna say it again....

First thing's first if you have curl's you know how tedious the affair of washing, drying and styling can be only to look like the cat has coughed up a fur ball on those all to important day's, so let's start from the beginning.


Wash your hair with a no sulfate, no silicone, and/or no alcohol based shampoo.  Shampoos with these ingredients are usually big on suds which give the appearance of cleansing your hair, but are actually stripping your strands of its much needed moisture.  Stear clear of these products as much as possible to give your curls  a fighting chance from the beginning.

While washing take it easy on your ends. Treat them as the sensitive delicate patient that they are. After all they're the oldest part and the most fragile part of our hair.  Allowing suds to flow down the ends of your strand should be sufficient enough to cleanse these delicate stresses without the effect of being jerked and pulled.
While washing use the pads of your fingers to gently massage your scalp.  This will promote circulation, which increases blood flow which in turn will help your hair produce the natural oil known as sebum that is needed for moisture and growth.

Your not finished yet.  Be sure to invest in a conditioner known for aiding in the moisturizing and frizz reduction of curl's.  For best results leave your conditioner in for no less than the minimum time required of 3-5 minutes.  The ingredients are fomulated to take that amount of time to saturate into the pores and strands of your hair.  Exceededing the allotted time will not gaurantee any more moisture however, the minimum is required for the conditioner to work properly.

These steps are used when I co-wash as well.  Co-washing is simply skipping the shampoo phase and using your conditioner as a shampoo.  The benefits range from shine, moisture retention and manageablilty depending on the product.  Whenever adding or doing a co-wash as a regimen always allow time to sit in your hair and then rinse in cool water to seal the product.


Oddly, those terry clothe towels wreak havoc on curly heads.  If the first step is properly done this is normally where the frizz party begins.  Here's where I had to debunk my old way's of grabbing a towel and giving myself a noogy, then twisting wrapping and pulling to get the access water out.  This is a sure way to have a Ronald Mcdonald head of hair.  Use an old clean cotton t-shirt.  Take the shirt and gently scrunch your hair, gently.  Using your fingers or a Wide tooth comb gently detangle your hair.  DO NOT use a boar or bristle brush it will definately add frizz to your curls.  If you must use a brush a denman or generic version is best.


Your almost home free.  When styling you want your hair to be semi damp so that your hair may absorb the hold control or the product of choice that you are placing in it.  Be careful not to put in too much product.  This too will create a mass amount of frizz.  Because curly hair is normally dryer than other textures, moisturize your ends.  This dryness mat be attributed to inability of  natural oils to easily move along the shaft down to the ends which are "thee" most fragile therefore in need of the most moisture.  When aplying scrunch your hair as you apply to encourage your natural pattern to flow.

Simplicity.  That is it.  No product to buy or sale, no formula to produce just a little TLC to have you on your way to luscious, healthy and frizz free curly hair.

If there are any "Simpler" regimens that I may have missed feel free to leave a comment and help the next fried head....I mean Curly!

Natural Hair Envy is Why I became a Natural!

Compliments of Google Image
There I was sitting in the mall's food court staring endlessly at a women's hair.  Her curls streamed the back of her neck endlessly, cascaded over her shoulder's effortlessly and shined radiantly under the soft iridescent light of the fluorescent bulbs in the food court.  I remember wondering what treatment or process she used to get such healthy hair. I sat wishing that I had the nerve to ask her where she got her hair done or what product's she used.  And that, is exactly what I did.  I sat there, wishing,  that one day those long flowing stresses would be my crown and glory.  I had no idea of the ethnicity, the process or if it was a treatment.  I just knew that my hair in its relaxed state was not given the body that this girl's hair was.  So I did as many of us would have done.  I went home and braided my chemically treated strands to give the illusion of wavy or curly hair.  Now this may not have been everyones instinct to do but something about the freedom the health and the style in this woman's curl captivated and intrigued me to no end.  After trying thin braid outs that came out to stringy, thick braid outs that came out to limp and wet braid outs that came out too limp. I finally just twisted my hair out and yes, the illusion of the wave was definitely there, but the volume the strength and the sheen were no where in sight.  Why?  I had no idea as to why at the time.  Several years passed and I still had the vague memory of that woman's crown and glory.  I still remembered the strength that ran through both her presence and her hair.  Time went on and never did I think to ask anyone of that hairstyle.  Often in the past if I seen a fly doobi' or rockin' wrap I wouldn't think twice to ask someone or even the person how they obtained that look.  But I never did, I continued processing my hair and chucked her hair up to simply be hair of a different persuasion.  Before long I notice a new fad that had taken place in many of our hair was singing the same song as woman I had encountered year's earlier.  Was the Jerri curl making a come back in a more chic way, was it that more babies of multiple diversities were being birthed, or was there a new brand of weave on the market. The answer for all was no.  They had simply embraced the hair that naturally toiled, turned and curved out of their scalps.  they had embraced the soft and kinky strands that we had all to often forgotten long after receiving that first flat iron, press out or texturizer.  After all, the purpose was to "maintain" or make our hair "manageable".  But why was their hair so tamed in it's natural "skin"

African American women have been rocking there hair in it's natural persona long before Chris Rock's well known biography "Good Hair" hit media.  They have been silently educating through their display of beauty and effortlessly rocked their hair in all it's glory.   From Whoopi Goldberg to Camille Cosby these women have supported and flawlessly grabbed the attention of the media to show that our hair is not only beautiful but fierce.  Our hair demands attention, it demands to be noticed and more than ever it demands to be accepted.  After several long evenings of seeking and scouring to find the answer to what I was silently wanting, I found it, and everywhere.  I found it on Facebook through I <3 Naturalista, I found it on YouTube through YouTube Alumni and veterans such as NikkiMae, Kimmytube and MsVcharles my favorites.  I found it through twitter and blogs such as Naturalsunshine.ning, and CurlyNikki.  I found it through women that decided to break out of the status quo embrace beauty in all its textures and pave the way for many of us to follow.  My journey has just started and it has been just that, a journey.  I have had to explain, encourage, answer and defend my decision to choose to accept the hair that God has chosen for me.  And I don't mind doing it, because if my hair can stream the back of my neck endlessly, cascaded over my shoulder's effortlessly and shine radiantly under the soft iridescent light of the fluorescent bulbs I have did my part in representing our healthy hair.