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ATL, Georgia, United States
Jack of all trade Master of some!!! I love, Love, LOVE, everything art, and anything from the heart. My love comes from a relationship of being able to view beauty even in tragedy. I most desire to help, encourage and enjoy those that are going through, been through, and conquered issues in life. I don't believe that a degree equals expreience so I hope that those experts of life will free to share their experiences in different arenas so that another person won't have to endure the struggle. So read, blog, laugh, cry but embrace life through whatever instrument you choose.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Finding Your way out of the Storm

You smile, you laugh, you even respond to questions, but where are you.  Behind the mask and the make-up, beyond the status of great a house, awesome job and wonderful kid's where did YOU go?  You keep saying your okay and you have actually begin to believe it, but only long enough to make it through the day or to distract someone close to you into believing the illusion of happiness and contentment that you have created.  Why can't I just believe that I am happy? Because your heart is sending consistent unpleasant reminders in the rhythm of a skipped beat or a racing thump.  Why Can't you believe? Because your stomach is hosting a party for the Botanical Gardens, invitation of 100,000 butterflies to assemble in the lower quadrant of your belly.  Why are you still not believing your okay, after you have convinced yourself for yet another day?  Because your mind runs laps all night as you fight to convince it to give you JUST ONE NIGHT OF REST.  But it can't! It can't stop thinking of the mistakes made that caused this turn, the people lost or the experiences not pursued.  But you can make a decision that your happiness is no longer going to be dictated by your mind, by your physical feelings, your emotional attitude or your social status.  No, today you are going to take control of the thoughts that haunt and keep you bound and imprisoned and you are going to see the clouds dissipate into a bright sun shining future.

How?  How can I train my mind to ignore the very thing that plagues me and frustrates me daily?  How can I ignore the lack or the ignorance that I am daily surrounded by.  I'll tell you how, by simply letting go!  Are you surprised?  Are you upset by my answer?  Did you expect an answer that was somehow rooted into deep meditation and theology?  Maybe you needed a 12 step plan to help you walk daily through the guidelines allowing you to rehearse and re-enact the reason you are in the emotional state that you are in.  I feel you!  My ability to closely relate to the emptiness, the unfulfilled void that longs for purpose and that inability to cope through life's daily bullies qualifies me to be the perfect candidate to tell you to Simply, LET IT GO!!!  I had my own twister in fact I have had to many to number.  But after you scream, like that 2 year old, cry like you just got the whoppin' of your life, kick, swing, fall....And when your through collect yourself, exhale one last time and release it.

Your issues are no surprise to you and they certainly didn't arrive over night, so give yourself a minute to evaluate the cinder block layer's of hurt, and pain that you have allowed to sashay into your life.  Now are you ready? Name that thing one by one, out loud and evict it from your heart.  Remove the debris that has infiltrated the halls of you heart so you can move pass this stage of your life.  I'll do it with you debt you must go I will be prosperous, unforgiveness you can no longer choke the life from me, I forgive now by faith despite the persons apology, depression I decide today that you are no longer needed or wanted I receive Joy and strength and remind myself that my happenings can no longer dictate my happiness! Sigh, breathe embrace yourself look at what you can be when you just take off the mask and make it through the storm.  After all most storms have beautiful rainbow's waiting at the end.  So it isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about finding the strength to make it through the healing process during the storm.

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