
My photo
ATL, Georgia, United States
Jack of all trade Master of some!!! I love, Love, LOVE, everything art, and anything from the heart. My love comes from a relationship of being able to view beauty even in tragedy. I most desire to help, encourage and enjoy those that are going through, been through, and conquered issues in life. I don't believe that a degree equals expreience so I hope that those experts of life will free to share their experiences in different arenas so that another person won't have to endure the struggle. So read, blog, laugh, cry but embrace life through whatever instrument you choose.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

RE RE evaluating my Life

When I originally started this blog my intentions were pretty much to have a super fantastic blog that allowed me to share MY thoughts, My feelings, and MY experience with hair, fashion and in general 1 GENERAL "niche".    Every great net worker or blogger alike agreed that it's important to have a niche for your audience and that being to vague or too random would cause you to lose your audience.  Well it couldn't be more FARTHER or Further (you pick which one is grammatically correct)  from who I am.  I hate to sound cliche but...I AM NOT my hair, or JUST fashion or a NICHE.

I am emotions, and fickleness, and political views and relationships, and inspiration, and spirituality and love and hate, and mistakes and sexuality and then I swing all the way back to being just a simple prude, whew!  I am 3 dimensional.  I have so many views I can't possibly fit into the 3 areas that I ridiculously have been trying to bend and merge into.  That is no one's fault at all, but mine.

 That was the goal the focus of this blog.  I wanted to welcome new experiences and trips, heartfelt situations and LIFE and share with all that no you are not the only one that enjoys eating rice with melted butter and a drizzle of apple sauce on the side!  I want to share areas that I have no degree in but have successfully mastered like adolescence and motherhood.  I want to wrap a cyber hug around you and make you feel warm and cozy and shout out YES your stupid boss is stupid but YOU MUST PAY YOUR bill's.  I want you to laugh at my failed cake attempts and get your advice on how I should handle a visitor that has extended their visit a few month's too long.

So as we rejoice over the holiday's and the upcoming closing of this year don't be surprised of the possible conversations that may arise.  I hope that it will be as interesting as your favorite magazine, as welcoming as southern hospitality and as real as the reality that you encounter everyday.  Remember be encouraged, and be inspired to be you.  After all no one else can do it like you can! Muah

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