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ATL, Georgia, United States
Jack of all trade Master of some!!! I love, Love, LOVE, everything art, and anything from the heart. My love comes from a relationship of being able to view beauty even in tragedy. I most desire to help, encourage and enjoy those that are going through, been through, and conquered issues in life. I don't believe that a degree equals expreience so I hope that those experts of life will free to share their experiences in different arenas so that another person won't have to endure the struggle. So read, blog, laugh, cry but embrace life through whatever instrument you choose.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't Beat yourself up....There's alway's Tomorrow

I was sitting and thinking.  Before I even realized it I was here!  Yup, you're here with me.  You're at the end of  the just a minute, the i need an hour, a day, a month heck, almost a year and here WE are again! Where, what, when, why, did I, didn't I or should I have.  How did I get here.... Sigh, exhale and yet we're puzzled and here. 

Now if your thinking What the **** was that first paragraph about then to you I say congratulations on defining where and what you wanted to do and pursuing it.  This article is most likely not for you.  However, if that paragraph engulf who and where you are right now, I want and NEED you to know that you are not alone.  I also want you to know that it's not to late!

"We only have 60 more day's to complete that vision that goal, that degree, find the right (blank) or get out of this situation!"  To you I say stop!  Stop putting yourself in a time box.  Goals are important but life sometimes happens.  Sometime inevitable circumstances and events demand our attention.  Sometime a moment just to go with the flow takes us into a longer phase than intended and that's okay.

So, stop right now and let's do an inventory check.  Let's evaluate where WE are.  *Breathe! Yes the year will soon be changing but guess what, from this day forward you still have 365 days to get it right and today, right now is day 1!  There's no step program, there's no purging of issues it's just as simple as making up your mind.  Allow today to be just that, today.  Build for tomorrow and enjoy your progress step by step.  Figure out what is mandatory and build from that point.  While your focused look in the mirror smile and release yourself,  because after all there is always tomorrow.

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